A Magazine for all the news

In Phyd's Magazine you will find news, insights, trivia and interviews about the changing world of work.

From expert perspectives to emerging professions, from the most recently published reports to the most interesting labor phenomena, PHYD's Magazine is the space in which you can stay up-to-date on labor transformations.
It consists of three subsections:

  • Magazine Phyd - Vision, a collection of interviews with industry experts to understand how the world of work will evolve;
  • Phyd Magazine - PHYDpedia, our encyclopedia on emerging professions;
  • Magazine Phyd - Trends, storie e news dal mondo del lavoro.

Do you want to know how to improve your personal or work skills? Scopri su Phyd anche i corsi più in linea con le tue esigenze o mettiti alla prova con i nostri test.


How will the world of work evolve in the coming years? We ask experts in the field. Check out the Vision section of Phyd's Magazine and read interviews with key players in the Future of Work.

A New Vision

Phyd Magazine's Vision section hosts weekly interviews with scholars, experts, entrepreneurs, innovators and journalists to gather thoughts and suggestions for interpreting the future of work.


What are the professions of the future? And which ones are already emerging now?
The PHYDpedia section of Phyd's Magazine is the open encyclopedia chronicling the works of today and-especially-tomorrow.

PHYDpedia the digital encyclopedia

In the PHYDpedia section of Phyd's Magazine you will find an overview of the professions of the future.
The world of work is changing and transforming fast. Staying abreast of emerging career fields is critical to figuring out which path to take for one's future career.
New professions and the future: find out what job profiles will be most sought after in the coming years and what skills and employment prospects are available for tomorrow's workers.

Chris Ferrie: “Così racconto la scienza ai bambini”ENG

Chris Ferrie: “Così racconto la scienza ai bambini”ENG

Può un bambino di 3 o 4 anni appassionarsi alla fisica quantistica o alla termodinamica? ENG Sì, se gli viene raccontata nel modo giusto. ENG Lo dimostra il grande successo editoriale di Chris Ferrie, scienziato e divulgatore canadese autore di una fortunata collana di libri per bambini tra gli 0 e i 5 anni dedicati alla scienza. ENG “Il punto – racconta – non è tanto quello di far apprendere delle nozioni. Ma favorire ed educare alla curiosità”. ENG

read more


News, tendenze, fenomeni e storie dal lavoro che cambia. Check out the insights from the Trends section in Phyd's Magazine.

Discovering Major Trends

In the Trends section of Phyd's Magazine you can keep up to date on how the way we work is transforming.
With Phyd's news, stay up-to-date on all trends related to the world of work. Happy reading!


Discover the resources and features of Phyd! In this section of our Magazine you can stay up-to-date on the ever-changing opportunities we offer to enable you to invest in yourself.


In the Discover section of Phyd's magazine you can discover the many resources and features we provide to enable you to invest in your employability. Phyd is constantly evolving: courses, assessments, content, events, and networking opportunities are just some of the opportunities we offer our community. Here you will find the story of how Phyd develops and grows.

Storie dal futuro del lavoro: la newsletterENG

Ogni settimana, gratis, un appuntamento con le notizie sul mondo del lavoro che cambia, per restare sempre aggiornati sulle tendenze, dati, curiosità e fenomeni che stanno trasformando il mondo del lavoroENG

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